studied law & philosophy, initially at Univ.Ghent, since 1546 at Univ. Louvain, then Marburg, 1549 Wittenberg, 1551-54 natural history in Montpellier
Rariorum plantarum historia / Fungorum in Pannoniis observatorum brevis historia. Exoticorum libri decem: quibus animalium, plantarum, aromatum, aliorumque peregrinorum fructuum historiæ discribuntur (Antwerpen 1601) ; Exoticorum (1605) ;
1573-1576 court botanist of Maximilian II & Rudolf II in Vienna ; in 1564, he accompanied Johann Jacob Fugger 1516–1575 to Spain & collected plants
xylographer ->G. Kampen ;
botanical, mycological, zoological, and ichthyological drawing and watercolour ; hand-colouring
ADB 4 1876: 349-51; Nissen: Botan. Buchillustration 1966; Stephan A. Aumüller & Jozsef Jeanplong (ed.): Fungorum in Pannoniis observatorum Brevis Historia et Codex Clusii (Graz 1983); Florike Egmond: The World of Carolus Clusius. Natural History in the Making, (2010); Heinrich Dörfelt: Geschichte der Mykologie (1998); Kury 2014: 49, 60-63
Also active as prof. of botany in Jena, Franfort on Main, & Leiden, where he also founded the Hortus Academicus; s.a. Florike Egmond: Curious Fish, Early Modern Zoology, 2009: 245-272;
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