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   Johann Ignaz
   J. I. A. ; he signed "J. Albrecht"
   two of Albrecht's children died in 1791 and a third died in 1796 ;
   1760 in Vienna
   1810 or later
   Vienna ?
   not to be mixed up with copper engr. Ignaz Alberti (1760-1794)
   Ferdinand Bernhard Vietz: Icones Plantarum Medico-Oeconomico-Technologicarum (1800-22) ; Atlas von Italien mit einem dazugehörigen nach A. F. Buschings grossen Erdbeschreibung geographischen Anhange (1796) ;
   Schrämbl’s Publishing House, Vienna ;
   botanical painting, drawing, and engraving ; geographical and cartographical map-making ; ; ;
   Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ; Escardó 2022: 130f. ;
   Austrian engraver active from ca. 1789, 1810 mentioned as house owner in Vösendorf near Vienna; not to be mixed up w. Ignaz_Alberti ;also known for maps; had his own Workshop; instrumental in preparing, printing, publ. of many natural history vols.

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