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   P. B. ;
   1863 in Breslau / Wraclaw, then Prussia now Poland
   1896 fl.
   Breslau, then Prussia, now Poland
   dermatologist -> Albert Neisser (1855-1916) in Breslau, then Prussia, now Poland
   Breslau Medical Institute; Pathological-Anatomical Institute, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Univ. Berlin
   successor modelleur --> Alfons Kröner (d. 1937)
   medical moulages, 3D wax modelling
   Dermatology Clinic Breslau
   Hans Jörg Hahn: Lepra-Moulagen, Die Klapper 16,2008:22-4; Sonja Ständer, Hartmut Ständer & Thomas A. Luger: Die Universitäts-Hautklinik Münster: Geschichte und Moulagensammlung, Springer 2006: 25; Maurer 2017: 59;
   Berliner was active as moulageur in Breslau until 1896, then left for Berlin

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