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   M. B. ; M. Burgers / Academiae Oxon. calcographus ;
   1647 c. Utrecht or Amsterdam
   1727 (not 1692 as sometimes quoted)
   medallist Nicolas Burghers at Oxford mint
   United Kingdom
   Charles Leigh (1662-1701/5) ; Robert Morison (1620-1683): Plantarum Historiae Univ. Oxoniensis seu herbarum (1680) & Plant umvelliferarum (1672) ; Robert Plot (1640-1696): Natural History of Oxfordshire (1677) & Natural history of Staffordshire (1686) ; John Wallis: Opera mathematica ;
   University of Oxford (engraver of university's Almanacks since 1676/92) ; king of England ;
   -> draughtsman -> David Loggan ; engr. -> van Hove
   zoological drawing, botanical & natural history copperplate engraving; geographic maps such as: Map of Oxfordshire, 1677 ; ;
   AKL 15 1997: 214 ; ThB 5 1911: 251 ; Bryan's Dictionary of Painters & Engravers 1886 ; Nissen: Botan. Buchillustration 1966; Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ; Walpole 1969: 3f. ; Davidson 2008: 26ff.; Scott Mandelbrote: The Publication and Illustration of Robert Morison's Plantarum historiae universalis Oxoniensis, Huntington Library Quarterly 78,2 (2015): 349-379, esp. 362ff., 367ff.
   Netherlands; England, since 1673 in Oxford, sig: Academiae Oxon. calcographus; portraits & topographic motifs; the King's botanist & superintendent of Royal gardens

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