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The most common and widely known spelling is used. In case of doubt, we use the more modern version, in case of differences between various transcriptions, we use the version closest to the English language; other versions of the last name will be listed in the field "alt.names"
We list all known first and middle names. Females are marked with a ° sign to allow statistical analysis.
Here we enter alternate transcriptions (from other scripts, e.g., Cyrillic, Chinese, etc.); likewise Latinized versions of a name, pseudonyms, initials, commonly used abbreviations, nicknames, general titles (comte, baron etc.) and monograms. We also add personal identification numbers (wherever available) from
The full name and living dates of the spouse along with the year of marriage are indicated here, if available. For multiple marriages, they are numbered sequentially
Here we list the total number and names of any children, if available, esp. if they also entered the business of illustration or related fields. Living dates may be added if they do not appear in their own entry. -> refers to other entries in the database
We enter the year of birth (no month or day) according to the Gregorian calendar. If this year is not known, we either leave it empty or enter estimates in the following form: 1821 c. , or   1821 / 1823   if only two different possibilities exist. Otherwise, the estimated beginning of the person’s period of professional activity may also be inserted, such as, 1840 fl. If known, the native town follows.
We enter the year of death (no month or day) according to the Gregorian calendar. If this year is not known, we either leave it empty or enter estimates in the same form as in the Year-born field, except with the end of the person’s known activity (1870 fl.)
We enter the name of the town in modern form (i.e., Oslo, not Christiania); we avoid outdated Anglicanization (i.e. Frankfurt, not Francfort), but prefer common English variants such as Munich (rather than München). Searches for all spelling variants of towns can also be done comfortably in the global search field.
Here we list the father’s profession followed by his name and living dates . We have decided not to confine ourselves to a predefined list of professions. ; in open searches try several variants of modern designations.
Here we list the maiden name and family background of the mother, grandparents, stepfathers, uncles, nephews, grandchildren, and other closer relatives, esp. if they are of professional relevance.; -> refers to other entries in the database
The illustrator’s schooling and training are indicated here. The names of influential teachers, institutions and firms (for apprenticeships) are indicated along with the locations.
Here we list specific clients for whom the illustrator worked, with full first and last names, possibly also the years of birth and death (institutional affiliation of the client if any is indicated under Patronage). If known we also give precise titles (or cue words) and dates of publications. Plates bythe illustrator and further details such as the number of plates or their motifs are provided where space allows.
Here we list forms of support not directly connected to specific orders or contracts for illustrations.  Aside from courtly clients, these might also be institutions (like the Parisian Académie des Sciences) employing or affiliating the illustrator.
The names of fellow illustrators on scientific projects are indicated here. These may include colorists, for instance, or scientists who provided the drawing to an engraving.
There is no set list of standard techniques. General designations (such as painting, engraving, drawing) are indicated when the technique(s) closest to those practiced by your illustrator is not known. Please consult introductory textbooks like Bamber Gascoigne: How to Identify Prints, London: 2004 for the definitions of specific reproduction techniques.
Only select links can be mentioned in this entry suggesting the range of disciplines and techniques in which the illustrator worked. We try to cite only stable urls. Our database does not contain images, only freely accessible links.
The names of repositories and libraries in which the illustrator’s unpublished work can be found are listed here.
Each entry is backed up by a list of the secondary sources from which the information about the individual has been taken. Without such authorative references an entry cannot be accepted in the database. Reliability and traceability of information is of highest priority to us. For space reasons, we indicate the essential bibliographic details. Please consult our separate list of ‘Sources’ for abbreviations to repeatedly used major reference works.
Other categories of potential interest, such as religion, other sources of income or professions practiced, and other regions of activity go here. E.g.,  prizes and honors obtained by the illustrator, patents taken or inventions made by the illustrator, any names of species given in honor of the illustrator, or other noteworthy contacts of the illustrator.

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