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   Le Blon
   Jakob Christoffel / Jacob Christof
   J. C. L. B. ; Jacob Christophe / Jakob Christof / Jaçques-Cristophe / Leblon / Le Blond, Leblond ;
   1667 in Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
   London, UK
   Christof II Le Blon
   Christof Le Blon (grandfather) married Susanna Barbara Merian, daughter of the artist and engraver ->Matthäus Merian (1593-1650) ; ->Maria S. Merian
   painting in Rome (Carlo Maratti), Amsterdam (B. v. Overbeck), The Hague, Zurich (->Conrad Meyer),Paris (->Abraham Bosse), since 1720 in London
   United Kingdom
   Dutch physician Arent Cant (1659-1723) ; Nathanael St. André, the British King's anatomist ; J. C. Le Blon: Coloritto or The Harmony of Colouring ;
   George I ;
   père Castel ; ->J. F. Gautier ; ->Jacob L'Admiral ; his apprentice & successor ->Jan L'Admiral ;
   anatomical painting, colour mezzotint, and engraving ; ; ; ; for further refs.
   AKL ; ThB 22 1928: 504 ; Choulant 1920: 35 & 265-6 ; P. Krivatsky: J. Hist. Med. 23 (1968): 153-8 ; Thornton & Reeves 1983: 77 ; Bamber Gascoigne: Milestones in Colour Printing 1457-1859 (1997: 8-10) ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ; Margócsy 2014: 5, 167ff. & passim ; Cornelia Kemp: Aus drei mach eins. Ein Streifzug durch die Geschichte der Farbfotografie, Kultur und Technik 01/2009: 32-37, esp. p. 36 ; BNBF: Recueil. Oeuvre de Jacob Christoph Le Blon ; Becker 2015: 162-163 ;
   Since 1719, J. C. Le Blon was active in London, where he owned a wall-paper factory in London; later he was active in Amsterdam, in France since 1732. ;

Inventor of color-printing technique 1704.

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