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   R. S. ; Rob. Scholz ;
   1950 fl.
   1961 fl.
   Sálim Moizuddin Abdul Ali (1896-1987) ; Wolfgang Makatsch (1906-1983): Die Vögel in Wald und Heide (Radebeul: Neumann, 1959; 2nd edition: 1962, 3rd edition: 1965) & Die Vögel in Feld und Flur (Radebeul: Neumann, 1953; 2nd edition: 1955, 3rd edition: 1960, 4th edition: 1963) ; Erwin Stresemann (1889-1972) & Die Vögel der Seen und Teiche (Radebeul: Neumann, 1952; 2nd edition: 1953; 3rd edition: 1954; 4th edition: 1955; 5th edition: 1958; 6th edition: 1964; 7th edition: 1973) & Die Vögel an Strand und Watt (Radebeul: Neumann, 1962; 2nd edition: 1964; 3rd edition: 1971; special edition: 1987) ;
   ornithological drawing and painting
   Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ## 80, 2654 & 4024 ;

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