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   James Davis
   J. D. C. ;
   Jane Eleanor, daughter of Benjamin Ovington in 1848
   three sons and four daughters
   1823 Lambeth, London, England, UK
   Highgate, London, England, UK
   organist at St. Sepulchre's, and assistant organist at St. Paul's Cathedral, London: George Cooper
   taught by ->Josiah Wood Whymper (1813-1903)
   England, UK
   HMS Challenger Expedition 1872-6; Charles Darwin: Expression of Emotions in Man & Animal 1872; Thomas Huxley, John Tyndall, Owen, Livingstone, Stanley; Charles Lyell: Principles Geology 1830-3
   ->Thomas Wood; ->Arthur Dampier May; ->Joseph Wolf; ->Brinton Riviere; Grace Milne; William Henry; Frederick Asker; Ethel S. Gascoyne; R. H. Moore; C. Roberts; J. P. Wall; Richard Clay
   zoological and anthropological wood engraving, woodcut, and drawing
   interior of zoology lab. on board HMS Challenger,_James_Davis_(DNB12)
   AKL21 1999:78; ThB7 1912:361; Chansigaud: Hist ill. nat. 2009: 138 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchilustration 1969/78; Prodger 1998: 152,160;
   organist at St Paul's Cathedral & St Sepulchres London; 1857 patented galvanoplastic woodblock printing

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