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   W. H. ; possibly identical with or related to Friedrich Wilhelm August Halffter (1821-1901) ;
   probably Friedrich Wilhelm Halffter (1859-1xxx)
   1840 fl. in Berlin
   1866 fl. in Berlin
   Berlin ?
   probably Friedrich Wilhelm Halffter (1xxx-1xxx), who also lived in Berlin ; Caroline Wilhelmine Oehme (1xxx-1xxx) (mother) ;
   see and ;
   topographical and astronomical collodion photography and daguerreotype ; ;
   see various links in ;
   Omar Nasim: James Nasmyth's Hands, Eyes and Mind in Photography, forthcoming in Nuncius in 2016 ;
   This entry on a pioneer German daguerretypist was suggested by Omar Nasim; W. H. W. Halffter owned a photographical atelier in Berlin, Leipziger Straße 97 (1851-63), resp. in No. 118 (1864) and in No. 91 (until 1866); thereafter he does no longer appear in Berliner Adressbücher.

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