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   G. V. ; Geo. Vertue sculp. ;
   1684 in St. Martin's-in-the-Field, London, England
   London, England
   his father, perhaps a tailor, and mother are noted as 'Roman Catholic'.
   artist James (1xxx-1765) Bath (bother) ; dancing master of Chelmsford Peter (brother) ; N. N. ;
   7 years apprentice under engraver ->Michael Vandergucht, before operating independently ; pupil of ->Thomas Gibson, a leading portrait painter
   England, UK
   A catalogue and description of King Charles the first's capital collection of pictures, limnings, statues, bronzes, medals, and other curiosities Now first published from an original manuscript in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. The whole transcribed and prepared for the Press, and a great part of it printed, by the late ingenious Mr. Vertue ; A description of nine historical prints representing kings, queens, princes, etc. of the Tudor (1776) ; Medals, coins, great-seals, impressions, from the elaborate works of Thomas Simon‏ ;
   amongst the first members of Godfrey Kneller's London Academy of Painting, who had employed him to engrave portraits ;
   painter and draughtsman ->Thomas Gibson in portrait of astronomer Royal John Flamsteed 1712/1721 ;
   architectural, astronomical, and antiquarian copperplate engraving ; portraiture ;,_1826).jpg ; ;
   BNBF: Recueil de gravures anglaises, 18e-19e siècle ; A catalogue of engravers, who have been born, or resided in England ;
   English engraver, printmaker and antiquary.

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