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   Charles Antoine
   C. A. D. ;
   Rose Lavite
   Sylvie (1964-xxxx) (daughter) ; Claude (1944-xxxx) (son)
   1914 in Besançon
   Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris ; L'Institut Pasteur de Madagascar ; Les serpents de Franche-Comté. Description, habitat, reproduction, venin, chasse, vie en captivité, légendes suivis d'une brève étude des lézards (Besançon 1942) ; Bo Beolens, Michael Watkins & Michael Grayson: The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles (Baltimore 2011: 74) ;
   caver and geologist Eugène Fournier (1871-1941) ; physician and zoologist Edouard Raoul Brygoo (1920 – 2016) ;
   zoological and herpetological drawing
   Sylvie Domergue: Travelling Through Time - Voyage dans le temps. Charles A. Domergue, in: Madagascar Conservation & Development 3(1), (2008): 78-83 ;
   Further Place of Activity: France (where he was born), Germany, Tunisia, and Algeria.

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