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   Ernst Alfred
   E. A. M. ; Mühler / Muehler / Muhler ;
   1898 in Dresden, Saxony, Germany
   art studies 1916-23 at Dresden Academy of Arts (Kunstakademie) under Richard Müller & Ferdinand Dorsch, master pupil of Ludwig v.Hoffmann
   Bruno Gebhardt (ed.): Wunder des Lebens (1936) ;
   since 1924 member of Dresdner Künstlervereinigung, since 1926 in the Deutscher Künstlerbund, since 1924 scene designer at Sächsische Landesbühne,
   1953-1964 Professor at the Techn. Univ. Dresden ;
   natural pen-and-ink and drawing ; caricature ; ; ;
   Vollmer: Allg. Lexikon Bildender Künstler (1955) ; Michael Sappol: Body Modern. Fritz Kahn, Scientific Illustration and the Homuncular Subject (Minneapolis 2017: 128-129) ;
   Mostly known for non-scientific landscape and portrait paintings, cf.ühler.

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