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   Henri Abraham
   H. A. C. ;
   1684 in Paris
   Zacharie Chatelain the Elder (16xx-1723)
   Zacharie Chatelain the Younger (1690-1754) (brother)
   Double folio sheet with illustrations, a map and texts pertaining to Japan (Amsterdam 1719) ; Carte Très Curieuse De La Mer Du Sud Contenant Des Remarques Nouvelles Et Tres Utiles Non Seulement Sur Les Ports et Isles de Cette Mer (Amsterdam 1719) ; Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction à L'Histoire (7 vols. 1705-20, second edition in 1732; the volumes I-IV with a 3rd edition and volume I with a final edition in 1739) ;
   cartographical drawing and engraving ; ;
   Walter 1994: plates 61 & 70 ;
   A Huguenot pastor of Parisian origins. He lived consecutively in Paris, St. Martins, London (c. 1710), the Hague (c. 1721) and Amsterdam (c. 1728).

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