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   Sheila Catherine °
   S. C. B. ;
   1925 in Linton-in-Craven, North Yorkshire, UK
   father Reg & mother Minnie owned and ran the village general store
   Minnie (mother) ;
   Skipton Art College in the 1940s before securing a scholarship at the Slade School of Art in London
   England, UK
   Anthony Clive Jermy (1932-?) & Thomas Gaskell Tutin (1908-1987): British Sedges. A handbook to the species of carex found growing in the British Isles (London 1968) ; as a freelance designer, making designs for Liberty and Co., Crown Wallpapers, Marks and Spencer, Laura Ashley, the Natural History Museum and more ;
   Natural History Museum ; Botanical Society of the British Isles ;
   botanical drawing &
   S.B. is mostly known for her artsy work on patterns inspired by botany, but in 1962ff she also conducted scientific botanical work for the Natural History museum which led to a six-year assignment for the BSBI (Botanical Society of the British Isles)

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