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   Karl Franz Josef
   K. F. J. B. ; Karl Bělař ;
   secretary-technician Gertrud Bengelsdorff (1892 c.-after 1931)
   Mohave desert, near Victorville, CA
   lawyer Franz Bělař (1870 c.-after 1931), Vienna
   2 sisters (the older one became a noted mathematician)
   studied zoology at the University of Vienna ; autodidatical studies guided by H. Joseph, Vienna ;
   100 Lichtbilder für den biologischen Unterricht (Erläuterungsheft) (Halle an der Saale: Dr. Schlüter & Dr. Mass, 1929) ;
   Max Hartmann, since 1914 director at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Biology and head of its Division of Protozoology ;
   German zoologist Max(imilian) Hartmann (1876-1962), Berlin ; later American evolutionary biologist, geneticist, embryologist, and science author Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) ;
   botanical and biological drawing and photography ;
   Jaenicke, Lothar: Karl Franz Josef Bělař, October 14, 1895–May 24, 1931: A Sharp Eyed and Pencilled Early Genius of Caryogenetics, Unifying General Caryology with Chromosomal Inheritance, in: Protist, 155 (4), 2005: 459-69 ;
   Further Places of Activity: As a soldier in Galicia, later in Italy; United States of America (California),

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