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   William Henry
   W. H. H. ;
   1846 on a farm near Cadiz, Harrison Country, Ohio
   Royal Oak, Michigan
   farmer Joseph Holmes (1815-1891)
   Mary Jane Heberling Holmes (1821-1856) (mother) ; grandparents at Georgetown, Ohio ; ;
   by artist Theodor Kaufman(n) in Washington, D.C. 1871 & at Munich Art Academy
   United States of America
   Clarence E. Dutton: Tertiary History Grand Canyon District (1882) ; Ferdinand V. Hayden Expedition Yellowstone Park (1872) ; John Strong Newberry ; E. B. Andrews ; Edward Orton ; T. G. Wormley ; Fielding Bradford Meek (1817-1876): Geological Survey Ohio 1873/75 ;
   US Geological Survey ; Chicago Field Museum (curator); Smithsonian Instit, Bureau of Amer.Ethnology (chief 1902-20); Nat.Gallery of Art (1st director)
   draftsman J. S. Newberry ; Kate F Andrews ; J. C. McConnell ; G. B. Simpson ; H. W. Elliott ; T. Y. Gardner ; H. M. Martin ; R. P. Whitfield ; Thomas Moran ; lithographer ->A. J. Ibbotson ; lithographer ->Th. Sinclair, Strobridge ;
   geological and anthropological survey-field artist ; mapping ; landscape painting, watercolour, and drawing ; ; ; wikimedia
   W. Hough: W. H. H. American Anthropologist 35 (1933): 752-64 ; J. R. Swanton: Bio Mems Nat. Acad Scis 17, 10 (1935) ; C. M. Nelson 1980 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 # 6667 ; Anthony R. Orme in Patrick Wyse Jackson: 4 Centuries of Geol. Travel 2007: 274 ; Davidson 2008: 86 ;
   Active as geologist, archeologist, anthropologist, curator, and illustrator, also active in Mexico, Canada,Middle America & in terrains of red indians.

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