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   F. M. ;
   Catherine (c. 1822-1911)
   lithographer Ferdinand, Edinburgh (1848-1887) ; Mary, England (c. 1851-1xxx) ; Bertha (c. 1855-1xxx) ; Louisa (1857-1xxx) ; Jennie (1860-1xxx)
   1821 near Aachen
   lithography under Peter Wilhelm Kreeft (1xxx-1xxx) in Elberfeld, then in Düsseldorf
   United States of America
   Louis Adolphus Duhring (1845-1913): Atlas of Skin Diseases (1876) ;
   American Art Association
   lithographer David Chillas ; J. H. Camp ;
   dermatological chromolithography and watercolour ; ;
   Ehring: Hautkrankheiten 1989: 169-70 ;
   Further Places of Activity: Belgium, France, United Kingdom (Edinburgh Scotland, London 1840-53), afterwards the United States of America (Philadelphia).

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