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   Rigau y Ros
   Hyacinthe-François-Honoré-Mathias-Pierre Martyr-André Jean
   H.-F.-H.-P. M.-A. J. R. y R. ; Hyacinthe Rigau y Ros / Rigauld / Rigault ;
   1659 in Perpignan
   tailor Josep Matias Pere Ramon Rigau
   painter-gilder Jacinto major (grandfather) ; painter Gaspard (brother) ;
   Antoine-Joseph Dézallier d'Argenville (1680-1765) ;
   king Louis XIV ;
   malacological drawing and oil painting ; ;
   Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 # 146 ;
   Mainly known as a portrait painter.

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