William Curtis: Flora Londiniensis ; Dawson Turner: Fuci (1808-19) ; W. J. H.: Musci exotici (1818-20), Flora Boreali Americana, Botany Beechey's Voyage, & Genera Filicum (1842) ; Curtis's Botanical Magazine (64 plates / author and editor of that journal between 1827-1865) ; Century of Orchidaceaus Plants (1849) ;
Kew Gardens, Glasgow University ; Botanical Magazine ;
->Joseph Banks ; botanist and lithographer Thomas Hopkirk ; artist ->Franz A. Bauer ; artist Walter Fitch ;
botanical watercolour, painting, drawing, and etching ;
W.J.H. was the first director of Kew Botanical Gardens & Regius Prof. of botany at Glasgow ; expeditions to Iceland. See also p. 38 of www.ub.uni-leipzig.de/roemersgarten/images/Auszug_Katalog_Roemers_Garten.pdf ; http://talk.sciencegossip.org/#/subjects/ASC0002yxm
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