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   Pastorino di Giovan Michele de'
   P. d. G. M. P. ;
   1508 c. in Castelnuovo Berardenga, Siena
   1592 before
   Ulisse Aldrovandi: Storia naturalis (1599 ff. ; Ornithologiae ;
   Duchess of Urbino
   Ligozzi ; Neri ; Benini ; Schwindt ; Budano ; Froeschl ; Refati ; Tibaldi ; Cavazzoni ; Passarotti ; Coriolano / Lederlein ;
   natural and ornithological painting and glass painting ; medal engraving, stamp carving, and wax portraiture
   Giuseppe Olmi 1992 ; AKL ; ThB 26 1932: 289 ;
   See Giuseppe Olmi at: .

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