M. M. ; Matthäus der Ältere / Mattäus / Matthæo Merian(IS) / MM sen. / Merian d. Ä. / Merian the Elder ;
Maria Magdalena née de Bry ;
-> Matthaeus Merian the younger (1621-1687), cf. http://viaf.org/viaf/98612721 ; illustrator Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717) ;
1593 in Basel
sawmiller (Sägmüller) & member of city-council Walther Merian
attended a Gymnasium ; studied copperplate engraving with Friedrich Meyer in Zurich ;
Topographia Germaniae (1642-54: 16 vols, -1688 30 vols), among them, e.g. Topographia Westphaliae, das ist, Beschreibung der vornembsten, bekantisten Stätte & Plätz, im hochlöbl. westphälischen Craisse (Frankfurt 1645) ; ....Bavariae, Suabiae; Der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft Nahmen, Vorhaben, Gemählde (1646) ; Daniel Mögling: Speculum sophicum rhodo-stauroticum universale (1618); Daniel Mögling: Mechanische Kunst-Kammer (Frankfurt 1629, frontispiece) ; Daniel Sennert: Practicae medicinae (Wittenberg 1628, frontispiece); Michael Maier, Atlanta fugiens (Oppenheim: 1617); Robert Fludd: Utriusque cosmi ... historia (London 1617);
Ludwig, Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen (1579-1650) ;
author Martin Zeiller (1589-1661) from Ulm ; engraver -> Matthaeus Merian the Younger (1621-1687) (son) ; engraver ->Caspar (son) ; engraver & painter -> Sybilla Merian (sister) ; with his pupils Wenzel Hollar (1607-1677) & Bartholomäus Kilian (1630-1696) in Frankfurt ;
topographic drawing, copperplate engraving, hand-colouring, painting; map-making; also botanical copper-engraving
see listings of all volumes of Topographia Germaniae & links to online versions in http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographia_Germaniae ;
ADB 21 1885: 422-7 ; NDB 17 1994: 135-8 ; AKL ; Lukas Heinrich Wüthrich: Das druckgraphische Werk von M. M. d. Ä. (Basel 1972) & Biographie (Hamburg 2007) ; Putscher 1972: 94-96; Geck 1982: 50; Grees 2002: 29 ; M. Popplow: Court Mathematicians, Rosicrucians & Engineering Experts, in Becchi et al. (eds.) Guidobaldo del Monte (1545–1607), Berlin 2013, pp. 296-306; Horst Bredekamp: Antikensehnsucht und Maschinenglauben (Berlin 2000): 69
Since 1617 active in Frankfurt as a publisher, mostly known for his illustrations in: Topographia Germaniae & Theatrum Europaeum. cf. also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atalanta_Fugiens for Merian's illustrations in Michael Maier's Atlanta fugiens (1617); cf. also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matth%C3%A4us_Merian_the_Elder.
Further information to education: studied 1610-1615 in Straßburg with Dietrich Brentel, in Nancy and Paris (with Jacques Callot.
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