1: Sophia Wood (1830 c. -1871) in 1842 ; 2: Annie C. Heaton in 1874 ;
solicitor Robert Bateson and Edith ; painter Herbert ;
1816 in Scarborough
Clapham, Surrey
gardener and local naturalist John Williamson ;
Elizabeth Crawford (mother) ; grandfather: a Scottish lapidary and watchmaker; father-in-law Rev. Robert Wood; Sir Henry Mitchell of Bradford
lapidary art from grandfather, natural history from father & geologist William Smith (1769-1839)); studied medicine at Univ. College London ;
England, UK
John Lindley & James Hutton: Fossil Flora of Great Britain, 3 volumes 1831-1837 ; W. C. W.: On the recent foraminifera of Great Britain (1858) ; Stigmaria ficoides, Palaeontographic Society (40, 1887) & Organisation Fossil Plants Coal-Measures (vol. 178 B of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1887); Dukinfield Henry Scott (1895-1896) ;
prof. nat.hist. anat. & physiol. Owen's College at Manchester; was curator of musum of Natural History Society Manchester
photographer R. C. Clifford ; Automatic Engraving Co. ;
fossil drawing, watercolour, sketching, painting, and lithography ;