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   Gesner / Gessner
   K. G. ; Conrad Gesner / Cunrat Geßner / Conradus Gesnerus / bot. monogr. GESNER ;
   1516 in Zurich
   Zurich furrier (1490 c. -1531)
   many siblings ;
   classical education, cont. studies at Bourges, Paris, Strassburg &Basle, becomes teacher, 1537 Prof. of Greek in Lausanne ;
   1554ff. city physician in Zurich ; Opera botanica (1500 ill.) ; Historia animalium (4 volumes 1587) ; Quadrupedes vivipares 1551 ; Quadrupedes ovipares 1554 ; Appendix quadrupedum uiuiparorum et ouiparorum, 1554 ; Avium natura 1555 ; Piscium & aquatilium animantium natura 1558 ; Thierbuch 1565 ; Historia Plantarum 1587 ; De rerum fossilium 1565 ; Von allerhand kunstlichen und bewerten Oelen, Wasseren und heimlichen Artzneyen, Zurich 1582/83 (posthumously edited by the physician Caspar Wolfius & translated into German by Johannes Nüscheler; with various woodcuts of alchemical instruments) ;
   Zurich city council; lecturer in physics at the Carolinum, precursor of Univ. Zurich; catholic Kaiser Ferdinand I;
   draughtsmen ->John Caius, ->Thomas Penny, ->Cornelius Sittardus; -> Hans Asper & -> Lucas Schan; K.G. housed draughtsmen & woodcutters continuously; Nuremberg printer Joachim Camerarius obtained Gesner's estate and used the preserved woodcuts for the printing of -> Matthiolus handbook on botany.
   natural history, zoological, botanical, and chemical drawing and watercolour ; hand-colouring ; ; ;
   Natural History Museum Basel; Univ.Amsterdam spec. coll.: ;
   Langer 1978: 362f. ; Wilson 1994: 23f. ; Falk 2004: 207 ; Hans Fischer: Universalgelehrter, Naturforscher, Arzt, Zurich 1967 ; C. M. Pyle: Arch. Natural Hist. 27 (2000): 175-186 ; Florike Egmond: Jour. Hist. Collections 24, 3 (2012) ; Damkaer 2002: 15-16 ; Dopplereffekt 2010: 24f. & 139ff. ; Davidson 2008: 8-10 ; Kusukawa 2012 ; Paul Leeman-van Elck: Der Buchschmuck in Konrad Gessners naturgeschichtlichen Werken, Bern 1935 & Der Schweizer Sammler und Familienforscher 8 (1934): 180-5, 212-8, 246-253 & 290-8 ; Kury 2014: 58 ;
   K. G. was trained as a physician, but he was also active as naturalist, esp. botanist & zoologist, collector, author, lexicographer & philologist; cf. #; ; mineral collection is now housed at Natural History Museum, Basel

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