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   A. C. ;
   1807 in Rome, Italy
   Rome, Italy
   Lorenzo Capalti
   mother Anna née Serafini
   studied at Accad. di S. Luca in Rome; taught by Tom. Minardi, Gaspare Landi, Andrea Pozzi, Tommaso Minardi
   Charles Lucien Jules Laurent, Prince de Canino Bonaparte (1803-1857) ; chieftain Alessandro ; Marino Torlonia ; Francesco Borghese Torlonia ;
   pupils: Onorato Carlandi, Karl Rahl ;
   zoological drawing, painting, and fresco
   AKL 16 1997: 224 ; ThB 5 1911: 533 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ;

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