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   A. F. ;
   1814 in Birmingham, West Midlands, Warwickshire
   1909, not 1881 as sometimes claimed
   Joseph Fussell (1xxx-1849), an artist who taught oil painting to students in Birmingham ; since 1821 active in London
   two younger brothers, who also became artists
   England, UK
   William Yarrell: History of British Birds (1843, "nearly five hundred" of the 520 engravings) ; John Paget: Hungary and Transylvania (1839) ;
   draughtsman J. Thompson ;wood-engraver ->J. Thompson ; ->C. T. Thompson ; ->R. A.Thompson ;
   topographical, zoological, and ornithological painting, watercolour, gouache, and oil on canvas
   Jackson 1978: 14, 77-81 & 84-85 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ;

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