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   M. W. ;
   1823. in Naumburg, Saale
   painter ->August Weidenbach in Naumburg
   artist and draughtsman -> Ernst Weidenbach (brother) ;
   in painting and drawing in Dresden; since 1840 in Berlin, where egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius trained him in hieroglyph writing and drawing ;
   1842/45 and 1866 draughtsman of the egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius (1810-84) in Egypt ; Lithographien nach den Wandgemälden im Ägyptischen Museum Berlin (= Umrisslithographien nach den Wanddekorationen im altägyptischen Stil im Ägyptischen Museum Berlin von Max und Ernst Weidenbach, publ. 1855) : ;
   draughtsman and painter -> J. J. Frey ; painter->F . O. Georgi ; artist and draughtsman ->Ernst Weidenbach (brother) in Egypt ;;
   archaeological, esp. hieroglyph writing, drawing, and watercolour ; hand-colouring ; ; ; (just mentioned) ;
   Elke Freier & Stefan Grunert: Eine Reise durch Ägypten (Berlin 1984) ;
   1840-42 active in Berlin where he becomes specialist in hieroglyph writing; 1842-45 participant of the Lepsius-expedition in Egypt; around 1849 emigration to Australia where he died around 1892.

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