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   B. H. ; Holländer ;
   1864 in Vienna
   London ?
   came to England in 1883 and studied physiology under David Ferrier at King's College Hospital
   England, UK
   Centers of Ideation in the Brain, Popular Science Monthly 37 (August 1890); Scientific phrenology: Being a practical mental science and guide to human character, illustrated text-book, 1902; Hypnotism & Suggestion, 1910; The mental symptoms of brain disease; ...
   Phrenological Record (editor1892/93); Ethological Journal (ed. 1905-14, 1922); in 1902 founder of Ethological Society (London), president until 1929;
   draughtsman Joseph Vimont ;
   anatomical lithography ; ; ;
   English psychiatrist & proponent of phrenology.

Further Place of Activity: Austria.

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