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   Charles Joseph
   C. J. M. ; Ch. Jo. M. ;
   1781 in Dijon
   clerk of the court and officer of the secondary school of Dijon
   studied science and mathematics at the École Polytechnique, then civil engineering at École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris
   Carte figurative des pertes successives en hommes de l'Armée Française dans la campagne de Russie 1812-1813, a flow map published in 1869 on the subject of Napoleon's disastrous Russian campaign of 1812 ; Leçons faites sur les chemins de fer à l'Ecole des ponts et chaussées en 1833-1834 ;
   École nationale des ponts et chaussées (School of Bridges and Roads) ; Corps des Ponts
   lithographer ->Regnier at Imprimerie "Lith. Regnier & Dourdet" for carte figurative (1869) ;
   innovative maps & graphical displays of historical, economic & statistical data; map-making & .../File:Minard-carte-viande-1858.png ;
   complete listing of his Graphic Works at ;
   Edward R. Tufte: Visual Display of Quantitative Information (2001) ; Michael Friendly: Visions & re-visions of Ch. Jo. M., in: Journal of Educational & Behavioral Statistics. 27, 2002: 31-52 ; Obit 1871: ; Rosenberg & Grafton 2010: 19-23;
   Worked as civil engineer on dams, canals & bridgess throughout Europe, appointed superintendent of École Nat.d.Ponts&Chaussées 1830-36; inspector in the Corps des Ponts (-1851); cf. also Tableaux graphiques de la production de la houille en Europe de 1848 à 1863.

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