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   Hermann Wilhelm
   H. W. V. ;
   1834 in Dobrilugk, Prussia, now Poland
   Berlin, Germany
   Royal Industrial Institute of Berlin, Ph.D. under mineral chemist Karl Friedrich August Rammelsberg in 1863
   Vom Indischen Ozean bis zum Goldland-Reisebeobachtungen 1878; Lichtbilder nach der Natur 1879; Praktische Spektralanalyse irdischer Stoffe 1888; Photographie farbiger Gegenstände in richtigen Tonverhältnissen 1885; Gustav Rose: Asterismus der Kristalle 1863
   1860-65 ass. in Mineralogical Museum, Univ. Berlin; 1884- director of photo-technical lab. of Technical Inst.; 1864- prof. at Berlin's Polytechnic
   scientific, spectroscopic photography, technical, topographic & geographic, thin-ground-section microphotography, petrographic slides
   see var. links at
   Kirchheimer 1982:47,70,85f; Corey Keller (ed.): Brought to Light Photography and the Invisible, 1840-1900, 2009; Hentschel 2002;
   German photochemist discovered dye sensitization in 1873.

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