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   Samuel Dwight
   S. D. ;
   w. Mary Amelia Thompson
   5 children.
   1823 in Hartland, Connecticut, USA
   Tower City, Dakota, USA
   Lester Humphrey (1796-1823) and Roxanna Miller (1796-?) ;
   United States of America
   American hand book of the daguerreotype ; Humphrey's journal of the daguerreotype and photographic arts, and the sciences and arts pertaining to heliography; A practical manual of the collodion process ;
   astronomical daguerreotype ; scientific photography and ambrotype ; ;
   Harvard College Obs.; ; ;
   The Humphreys family in America, 1883 ; Q. Bajac: Dans le Champ des Étoiles (Paris 2000: 52 &115) ;
   see also

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