apprentice as bather, then medical studies without graduating
Anthropotomie 1835; Osservazioni microscopiche sulle ramificazioni periferiche dei vasi e sulla intima struttura dei nervi 1838; Anatomie der mikroscopischen Gebilde des menschlichen Korpers-Anatomia microscopica corporis humani 1837;
1821: prof. of anatomy in Lemberg, 1830 in Univ. Vienna
daguerreotype printing
Rolf H. Krauss: Photography as early scientific book illustr., History of Photography 2 (1978): 292; Oesterreichisch-Kaiserliche privilegirte Wiener-Zeitung, 18 Apr.1840; Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreic 1, Vienna 1856: 333f.; ADB 2 (1875):507; ÖBL 1 (1957): 77.
inventor of a procedure to print from daguerreotypes
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