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   Bertha °
   B. H. ; Miss Heiges ;
   1893 fl. in Pennsylvania
   1907 fl.
   United States of America
   US Department of Agriculture Yearbooks 1902/05 ; Pomological Watercolor
Collection des US Department of Agriculture ;
   United States Department of Agriculture Division of Pomology ;
   lithographer Julius Bier ; A. Hoen & Co (Baltimore, MD) ; artist ->Deborah Griscom Passmore (1840-1911) ;
   pomological and botanical drawing, watercolour paintng, and painting ; ; ;
   Evening Star, 12 August 1899 ; USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection ;
   Vera Norwood: Made from this Earth. American Women and Nature 1993: 88; Bridson 2003: 86 & 164 ;
   US government illustrator, 1899 residing at: 908 K Street, Washington DC.

Further samples:,exact,Heiges,%20Bertha,AND&vid=01NAL_INST:MAIN&facet=creator,exact,Heiges,%20Bertha&mode=advanced&offset=0 ;

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