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   Fritsch / Frič
   Antonin Jan
   A. J. F. ; Ant. Jan Frič ;
   1832 in Prague / Prag, now Czech Republic
   Prague / Prag, now Czech Republic
   Czech Republic
   Fauna der Gaskohle & der Kalksteine der Permformation Böhmens (Prag 1879-1901) ; Palaeozoische Arachniden (Prag 1904) ; Die Reptilien und Fische der Böhmischen Kreideformation (Prag 1878) ; Cephalopoden der Böhmischen Kreideformation (Prag 1872) ;
   worked at the Czech Technical University in Prague /Prag
   Karl Kořistka (Czech: Karel František Edvard Kořistka (1825-1906) ; Jan Krejčí (Czech: Johann Krejči) (1825 -1887) ;
   zoological, herpetological, ichthyological, marine, paleontological, fossil, and geological drawing
   Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ;
   Active in Austria & (today's) Czech Republic.

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