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   H. G. ;
   1825 in Chartres
   as a lithographer and photograveur
   Alfred Louis Olivier Legran Des Cloizeaux (1817-1897): Manuel de Minéralogie (1862) ; E. Robiquet: Manuel théor. prat. photographie collodion et albumine (1859) ;
   med. Alphonse Salmon ;
   chemical and natural heliogravure, photography, photoengraving, and carbon printing
   Bibliothèque nationale de France; Bull. de la Soc. francaise de Photographie, July 1858:220 ;
   J. M. Eder: Handbuch Photographie: 207f. ; J. Waterhouse: Garnier's New Methods of Photoengravingk: Scientific American ; Kirchheimer 1982: 16f., fig.7 ;
   Chârtres, Paris, 1858 discovered iron-citrate dusting-on reproduction process: "procédé au charbon"; gold medal at Paris Intern. Exhibition of 1867.

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