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   O. T. ; O. Terquem ;
   Louise in 1826
   Mathilde Cécile Bamberger (1828-1xxx) ; Juliette Elise (1828-1xxx) ; physicist Alfred (1831-1887)
   1797 in Metz, Moselle
   1887 or 1886
   Elie Terquem (1775-1838)
   Guitton (1xxx-1851) (mother) ; Auguste (1794-1xxx) (brother) ; mathematician Olry Terquem (1782-1862) (uncle) ; physicist Émile (1870-1933) (grandson
   pharmacy at Paris Faculty of Medicine
   O. T.: Foraminifères du Lias (1858-74) ; Eugène Jacquot & Adolphe Barré: Description géologique et minéralogique du département de la Moselle (1868) ;
   geological, mineralogical, and paleontological drawing ;
   Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ## 4098-4105 ; Langer 1978: 381 ;
   Jewish family. Pharmacist at Metz 1833-52, then paleontologist and geologist.

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