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   Vopel / Vopelius
   C. V. ;
   Enge van Aich, daughter of a well-known Cologne book printer
   1511 c. in Medebach
   1626-29 studies at Univ. of Cologne
   Recens et Germana Bicornis ac Widirheni omnium Germaniæ amnium celeberrimi descriptio, additis fluminib, electorum provinciis, ducat, comita, oppi, et castris præcipuis magna cumdiligentia ac sumptib, collecta; celestial globes (1532 & 1536) ; terrestrial globe (1542) ; Rhine-map (1555-58) ; world map (154x) ;
   mathematics teacher at Cologne's Montanergymnasium (as successor of the humanist Henricus Glareanus); Kaiser Karl V.
   cartographical map-making ; celestial and terrestrial globe-making ; astronomical, geographic, and topographic copperplate engraving ; ; ; ;
   ADB 40 1896: 299 ; Herbert Koch: C. V., Kartograph in Köln, 1511-1561 (Cologne 1937) ; Elly Dekker: C. V.’s Ventures in Sixteenth-Century Celestial Cartography, in: Imago Mundi 62, 2 (2010): 161-90 ; Clemens Müller: Caspar Vopelius, Mathematiker, Astronom & Kartograph aus Medebach, in: Jahrbuch Hochsauerland ;
   Cartographer & map-maker, astronomer, mathematician, instrument-maker (armillar spheres); two of his celestial globes are kept in Cologne's City-Museum (Kölner Stadtmuseum); cf.

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