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   Johann Christoph
   J. C. H. ; Homann son ; Homann the younger ;
   1703 in Nuremberg
   map printer ->Johann Baptist Homann (c. 1663-1724)
   Map of Asia (1730) ;
   Johann Christoph Homann continued the printing business after the death of his father in 1724 ;
   geographical and topographical copperplate engraving ; cartographical map-making ; ; ; ;
   Diefenbacher, Heinz & Bach-Damaskinos 2002: passim ;
   Johann Christoph Homann continued the printing business after the death of his father in 1724; after his own premature death, the publ. was continued under the trade name of "Homanns Erben"; cf. -> J. G. Ebersperger

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