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   R. B. ;
   1857 in Aicha, north Bohemia, then Austria Hungary
   Dresden-Hosterwitz, Saxony, Germany
   his father -> Leopold Blaschka (1822-1895) was a glass-blower and glass-model manufacturer
   see also
    as glass-blower and botanist (by his father)
   Dresden polytechnic; Harvard University, botanical institute; various zoological institutes
   Museum of Natural History, Harvard University (exclusive contract to make more than 900 life-size glass models, and >3000 smaller models)
   with his father -> Leopold Blaschka in their joint company, producing glass models
   animal, marine, ichthyological, and zoological 3D glass models ;;
   Harvard University, Natural History Museum; Dresden polytechnic university; Verein Naturwissenschaftliche Glaskunst – Blaschka-Haus e. V. , Dresden.
   I. Reichle (ed.) Visuelle Modelle, Munich 2008:166-8; Henri Reiling: The Blaschkas, Journal of Glass Studies 40 (1998), 105-126; Kunstformen des Meeres : Zoologische Glasmodelle v. L.B. & R.B., Tübingen 2006; Simon Weber-Unger: Wiss.Kabinett 2005/06; Dopplereffekt 2010: 170f., 23; Theatrum 2000 I: 124, II:184-
   since 1863 in Dresden; cf. also Karlheinz Wiegmann & Meike Niepelt (eds.) Kunstformen des Meeres. Zoologische Glasmodelle von Leopold und Rudolf Blaschka 1863-1890, Tübingen 2006 and the exhibition of marine invertebrate glass models at the Cornung Museum of Glass in 2016/17:

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