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   V. L. ; Vilh. L. / Wilhelm L. ;
   2 times: 1: Sara Maria Ingeborg Holm (18xx-1xxx) in 1854 ; 2: Eva Charlotta Lindstedt (18xx-1xxx) in 1862
   1816 in Hälsingborg
   university of Lund
   De crustaceis ex ordinibus tribus. Cladocera, Ostracoda, et Copepoda, in Scania occurentibus (Lund 1853) ; Cladocera Sueciae (Nova Acta reg. Soc. Sci. upsaliensis 3(19), 1900) ; On two subfossil whales discovered in Sweden (Nova Acta reg. Soc. Sci. upsaliensis 3(6), VI, 1867) ;
   fossil, mammal, ichthyological, marine, and zoological drawing ; ;
   Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ## 2511-2513 ;

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