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   L. P. ; born Leonardo Norsini / Norcino /Norsino ;
   wood engr. -> Isabella / Elisabetta Catanea‏ Parasole ‎(1575-1625)
   wood engr. & artist Bernardino Parasole
   1570 c. in Visso, Italy
   Rome, Italy
   artisanal shop keeper at via de Giubbonari, Rome ; father died in 1585
   painter Rosato Parasole (brother); cousin Girolama Parasole
   Pope Sixtus V, Rome.
   Castore Durante: Herbario nuovo 1585
   botanical woodcut , wood-engraving, blanking ;
   AKL; Bryan 1889, vol. II: 251; Freedberg: Lynx 2002 p. 289; Füssli: Allg.Künstl.lex. 1779 p.462; incoln: Models for science and craft, Visual resources 17,1 (2001); Kusukawa (2012): 45
   L.P. discarded his original last name, Norsini or Norcino, in favor of his wife's more distinguished last name.

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