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   A. A. ;
   1820 Gosport, Hampshire
   Henry Adams (brother 1813-77)
   naturalist and malacologist ;
   United Kingdom
   Lovell A Reeve: Elements Conchology 1814 & Zoology HMS Samarang 1850 & Mollusca 1848 & w. Adam White: Crustacea ; Adams: Manual nat. hist. geology meteorology ; Travels Japan Manchuria 1870 ; w.H.Adams: Genera Mollusca (1858) ;
   British Navy William Balfour Baikie Charles Barron, John Edward Gray ;
   Adam White ; ->Henry Adams ; H. Miller ; G. B. Sowerby ;
   geological, marine, zoological. and malacological, and painting, watercolour painting, drawing, and pen-and-ink ; ;
   British Museum Natural History London ;
   A. Reynell: Proc Malacological Society London, 20 Mar 1916 v. 12,1: 44-6; Sawyer 1971: 88,133 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ; Dance 1989: 125 ;
   Further Places of Activity: Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, East Malaysia, and East Timor as assistant surgeon on board HMS Samarang 1843-6.

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