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   Friedrich Wilhelm
   F. W. W. ; Fried. Wilh. Wunder ;
   Kammerregistrator und Aufseher der Naturaliensammlung Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Wunder (1778–1842) in Bayreuth
   1742 in Legefeld near Weimar
   lithographer and photographer Friedrich Karl Wunder (1815-1893) (grand-son) ; lithographer, printer, and painter Georg Friedrich Baumgarte (1807-1839)
   Johann Paul Pöhlmann (1760-1848) ; Johann David Schoepff (1752-1800) ;
Peter Christian Wagner (1703-1764) ;
   natural, herpetological, and zoological drawing : mentioned ;
   Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ## 3207, 3742 & 4309 ;

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