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   O. T. ; sometimes also incorrectly or informally Otmar Trester ;
   1900 c.
   1929 fl.
   Fritz Kahn: Das Leben des Menschen (1926, vol. 3) ; Zoological school chart: Blick in das Innere des Menschen (Stuttgart c. 1929) ;
   pen-and-ink and drawing ; schemes and diagrams ; ; ;
   Miriam Eilers: Lebensbilder von Fritz Kahn (Ph.D. Diss., Bochum 2014) ;
Michael Sappol: Body Modern. Fritz Kahn, Scientific Illustration and the Homuncular Subject (Minneapolis 2017: 20, 66, 72, 105-11, 119-123, 149 & 223 ;
   O. T. seems also to have provided illustrations to August Neidhardt: Die Strohwitwe: Operette in drei Akten (Berlin & Munich 1920) ;

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