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   Alfred Thomas
   A. T. G. ; Alfred T. Agate ;
   Elizabeth Hill, née Kennedy (1xxx-1xxx), later wife of Dr. William J. C. Du Hamel (1xxx-1xxx) ;
   Elizabeth A. Du Hamel (1835 c. -1890 c.) ;
   1812 in Sparta, Westchester County, New York
   Washington, District of Columbia
   Thomas Agate (1785 c. -1812 after)
   Hannah Agate (1785 c. -1812 after) (mother) ; painter Frederick Styles Agate (1803-1844) (brother)
   taught by his brother Frederick Styles Agate, later by Thomas Seir Cummings (1xxx-1xxx)
   United States of America
   Charles Wilkes: US Exploring Expedition 1845-76 ; L. E. Threlkeld: Key Structure Aboriginal Language (1850) ; botanist Asa Gray: Atlas Botany (1857) ;
   U.S. Exploring Expedition to the Pacific (1838-42); WashingtonBureau of Engraving. See
   Joseph Drayton ; W. H. Dougal ; Casilear ; Isaac Sprague (1811-1895) ;
   botanical oil painting, drawing, and watercolour ; portraits and camera lucida landscape painting ; miniature painting ; ;
   Smithsonian Institution ; ;
   AKL 1 1992: 500 ; ThB 1 1907: 114 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ; Bridson 2003: 66 & 150f. ;
   Active between 1831 and 1838 in New York City.

Further Places of Activity. Antartica, Pacific Islands, Coastal American Northwest.

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