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   E. D. ;
   1890 in Mährisch Kromau
   Akademie für Kunst in München, later Kunstakademie in Vienna
   Tiergarten Schönbrunn ; Deutsche Kunstverlag ; school wall pictures ; Schmeil, Otto (1860-1943): Tierkunde (184th edition) (Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer Verlag, 1960) ;
   journal „Der Waidmann“ ; Naturhistorisches Museum Wien ; Niederösterreichische Landesmuseum ;
   for Schmeil, Otto (1860-1943): Tierkunde (184th edition) ; illustrator -> F. Barth ; illustrator -> E. Dzimirski ; illustrator -> E. Freiberg ; illustrator -> Michael Mathias Kiefer (1902-1980) ; illustrator -> Richard Kliefoth ; illustrator -> B. Marxmeier & illustrator -> E. Witzmann ;
   animal, mammal, and ornithological drawing ; ;
   Further Places of Activity: Germany (Munich). Expositions in Munich, Leipzig, Vienna, Breslau, Hagen, and Zurich. Rather known as landscapist and hunt painter.

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