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   Jacqueline °
   J. P. ;
   1958 in Andover, England
   Flora of the South West (Conservation and Land Management) ; Clark, Ernest E[llis] (1869-1932) & Margaret Stevens (*1937) (editor): The handbook of plant forms for botanical artists (2nd edition: London: B. T. Batsford, 2013; 1st edition: Clark, Ernest E[llis] (1869-1932): A handbook of plant-form for students of design, art schools, teachers and amateurs. One hundred plates comprising nearly 800 illustrations. Drawn and described, and with an introductory chapter on design, and a glossary of botanical terms (London: B. T. Batsford, 1904)) ;
   botanical drawing and watercolour ; ; ;
   Further place of activity: England, UK.

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