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   Norman Arthur
   N. A. ; Norman Arlott ;
   1947 in Reading, Berkshire
   United Kingdom
   Williams, John George (1913-1997) : A Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa (1980) ; illustrator of more than 150 books about birds ; Caras, Roger A[ndrew] (1928-2001): The forest. A dramatic portrait of life in the American wild (New York City, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1979) ;
   journal "British Birds" (bird illustrator of the year ... 1980 and 1981) ;
   bird illustrator and author -> Van Perlo, Ber (*1936) ; ornithologist Conder, Peter (1919-1993) ;
   ornithological and natural drawing ;
   Further Place of Activity: Kenya (Nairobi).

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