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   Z. W. ; Wagenaar / Zacharias Wagner the Younger ;
   Maria aux Brebis (1600-1666) in 1648 ;
   step-daughter Maria de Bucquoy (1630 c. -1662 after) ;
   1614 in Dresdner Neustadt
   municipal judge and painter Zacharias Wagner the Elder (1582-1658)
   1 brother, 3 sisters
   Willem Piso: Historia naturalis Brasiliae (1648) ;
   Count John Maurice, Prince of Nassau-Siegen. Dutch West India Company
   Willem Blaeu (1571-1638) ; George Marcgraf (1610-1644 c.) ;
   animal and natural watercolour ; ;
   Wagner's Thier-Buch and travel diary at Kupferstichkabinett Dresden ; ; ...
   Further Places of Activiy: Dutch Brazil, Canton China, Batavia, Japan, and Cape of Good Hope.

Further archival source: .

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