Browse DSIDetails of the item << Previous Next >> Agassiz Cécile Suzette ° C. S. A. ; Eugène Louis Alexandre Wagnon (1805-84) in 1831 Julie Wagnon (1843-1927) 1801 in Môtier-en-Vuly, Haut-Vully, Fribourg 1891 Montagny pastor Rodolphe Benjamin Louis Agassiz (1776-1837); mother: Rose Marianne Mayor (1783-1867) brothers: Auguste & Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz glacialogist/paleontologist; sister Olympe; brother-in-law Marc Francillon; Switzerland Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz: Poissons fossiles (1834) ; painter Dinkel ; Cecile Braun ; fossil and ichthyological watercolour and drawing ; Archives cantonales Vaudoises cote PP 904 ; Jules Marcou: Life J. L. R. Agassiz 2011:19, 58f. ; E. Cary Agassiz Biog. of LA 1919: 69 ;