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   F. Z. ;
   Freiburg ?
   -> Adolf Ziegler, wax model preparator
   Karl Peter Ziegler
   training in wax modeling by his father ->Adolf Ziegler
   Wilhelm His ; Ernst Haeckel: Atelier für wissenschaftliche Unterrichtsmodelle (Studio for Scientific Teaching Models) ;
   Univ. Freiburg
   Together with his father ->Adolf Ziegler & with his relative Karl Peter Ziegler, F. Z. worked in a Freiburg studio; see ;
   3D anatomical & embryological wax models ;
   mostly Freiburg; see Hopwood 2002; &; Somso Mus.
   Nick Hopwood: Embryos in wax. Models from the Ziegler studio (Cambridge: Whipple Museum 2002) ; Thomas Schnalke: Diseases in wax, 1995: 63ff. & 79ff. ; Theatrum 2000 I: 126 & 154-7, II: 215f. & 229 ;
   Further literature & context in Hopwood 2002 & Schnalke 1995; cf. also collections in Somso Museum, Sonnenberg, Thuringia.

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